I would like to retell my experience I had yesterday. I have been told several times I need to write it down. Here is my attempt to write it down is hopes that I will not forget the miracle that occurred just over 24 hours ago.
Friday was a crazy day, working, school, cheer, football and playing, date night or what was supposedly suppose to be, BYU football and Kids doing great at just going with the flow. To move forward Max had been playing with his good buddy Jayce most of Friday afternoon until late into the evening. He was taken to Wilkinson's where Cortney tended him until I made it home from being out with the neighbors. He was visually exhausted and Anne was sound asleep on the couch. Dave helped put Anne in the car and we drove home. I put Anne in my bed and Max said he was starving and I sat him at the bar and gave him a bowl of Frosted Flakes while I checked on Anne in my bed. I came back to find that he fell asleep while eating and I took a picture just to document how tired he really was. He ended up laying on the downstairs couch where I left him to sleep for the night. Tom and Matt hadn't yet made it home from the BYU vs. Utah State game and Grace was still at a Birthday party.
I hadn't slept the night before as I deal with insomnia now and then. Finally, once our house settled down I was again the only one awake. About 2:45 a.m. I gave in and thought I might actually sleep. I went into my room and found Matt and Anne sound asleep. I left Anne there in fear I would wake her and then be up for another amount of time. I headed to Anne's room upstairs to find Thomas had crawled in her bed. I ended up in Max's right across the hall and finally fell sound asleep. Only to be awoken at 4:00 a.m. with cries from Max asking where I was. I yelled back, "I'm up in your room." He yelled back from the main floor, "OK, I peed my pants I am getting in the shower." I said, "OK" I'll grab your clothes, go jump in." Already in Max's room I went to grab clothes but was exhausted and very disoriented. I thought, "Oh I'll just lay here, he will take a little while, I'll just close my eyes." My thought was that he would jump in my master bath shower and then come find me.
This is when my story really begins. I woke up a bit later to be exact 4:47 a.m., to the sound of the bathtub water running in Grace's bathroom which is between Max's room, I was in and Anne's room down the hall. My first thought was, "Oh Grace is up." Then I remembered Max was in the shower. At that moment I realized Max had gotten me over 45 minutes ago and it was him in the tub. I heard then a voice not whisper but yell to me, "GO GET HIM!" I ran to the bathroom to find the door locked, pounding and yelling for him to open, but no answer. I pounded on the wall in between the bedroom and bathroom. Still no answer. I ran down the stairs looking for the little gold keys they give you to open the locks. I couldn't find them in the two places I knew to have kept them. Then my thoughts went to my drawer I keep my wedding ring in. I remembered seeing that tiny line of gold way in the back as I was looking for a certain ring just the morning before. I ran and got it, ran up the stairs and with ease opened the door. With the sound of the water running which seemed extremely loud, I found my little 6 year old Max sunk to the bottom of the bathtub with the water overflowing. He was completely still. His eyes and mouth closed. He has fallen asleep in the tub and his little body slipped under the water.
I had always wondered how I would react in an emergency situation with my own kids. I had at times, over the years helped in panic situations with neighbors and friends. I was calm, urgent and could really accomplish what was needed with a clear mind. I did OK with Max that early morning. I was urgent, but was extremely aggressive, I had a clear mind and knew exactly what I was to do. I know twice now, I had the spirit talk to me. I turned off the water and yelled his name. Hoping to see him sit up quick or open his eyes to me. Still no movement or response. I grabbed him from the water and threw him on the floor of the bathroom. He landed on his side, as he hit the ground a huge gasp came out. He opened his eyes and was visually confused. He closed his eyes again. I grabbed him and held him up high above my head and yelled his name shaking him, then I hugged him and he started to breath. I wrapped him in a towel, he was shaking and was really cold. I took him and layed him on his bed. I realized I was shaking extremely hard and sobbing. I held him tight and kept asking if he was OK. He said I think so... He wanted to go to sleep. I wouldn't let him. I kept listening to chest and checked his eyes. He kept saying, "I think I was asleep it was really quiet." I would lay there till morning not daring to close my eyes. If I did, I could hear the water and see his still little boy under the water. I never will forget when he gasped and opened his eyes to me.
I bear testimony, the Holy Spirit not only spoke to me but yelled at me with guidance and direction to help Max that early morning. I know he would not be here today If I did not listen. He fell sound asleep in that warm tub and was within seconds of not coming back. As I talked with his pediatrician later that morning, instead of a medical explanation. He simply said, "Because you listened to the spirit he is still here, his life was kept and will go on with his journey in this life."
Our day went on as planned; as if we were following our calendar. At times we thought of how different the actually day could be if the spirit hadn't been in our home that early morning. I cried and hugged Max far more than he wanted or understood. He would say at times, "Please don't cry, I'm OK." I did tell a few close friends and family the happenings of the morning. I continued to feel the love the savior had for our little family that day. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the strengthening of my testimony today. I love each and everyone of my children and sweet husband. I am truly blessed this day. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
1 comment:
Jenny, what an amazing testimony you have. What an experience in your life. I had the chills and tears while reading this story. It is amazing how the Lord is watching over us. I am so glad to know that Max is ok. Miracles still happen and this is a testimony to that. We love you guys. Can't wait to see you in December!
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